Temple Sholom of Ontario
Conservative Jewish Synagogue
P.O. Box 1487, Ontario, CA 91762
963 W. 6th St., Ontario, CA 91762
(909) 983-9661
We are now offering Zelle for payments and donations! Use this email: treasurer@templesholomofontario.org
We are coming back for the beginning of 5785! We will start with our first In-Person Learning Day on Sunday, November 3.
Hello, Everyone:
We are going to be starting up our religious school in the next few weeks. We have delayed the start due to the High Holidays and felt that families would participate and bring the kids, which would be a lot like religious instruction.
After Simchat Torah next Friday, we will be back to a lighter, normal schedule. We are planning on a more consistent schedule. We will have our in-person learning on the first weekend of the month.
First In-Person Learning will be Sunday, November 3 @ 10:00am -12:00 noon.
The other 3 weeks will be on Zoom and consist of Hebrew instruction and Torah learning. We will also discuss the holidays as they come up and other topics, like prophets.
Finally, we are asking this year for a solid commitment. Especially for studying Hebrew, when any student misses or is late for instruction, it is a disadvantage to their learning as they can fall behind. We need your participation to make this a great success.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your support and participation.
Rabbi Stephen